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domestic violence attorney

Aug 18 2020

Long Island sees rise in domestic violence cases amid COVID-19

One of the many consequences of the coronavirus pandemic has been an increase in the number of domestic violence cases at the national, state and local levels including on Long Island. Families have had to stay indoors together during a stressful and emotional time, leaving people vulnerable to abuse when tensions run high. The Nassau…
Justice One Client at a Time

Jun 30 2020

New Domestic Violence Text Program Implemented

On this episode of Justice, One Client at a Time, we look at the rise of domestic violence cases in New York during the COVID-19 pandemic, and what the state is doing to help survivors, such as creating a text program and confidential online service.
domestic violence attorney

Jun 19 2020

NYC domestic violence hotline notes spike in calls during COVID-19 crisis

New York City’s domestic violence hotline reported a rise in the number of calls it received after an initial decrease in March as the coronavirus pandemic continues to keep people in their homes. Meanwhile, the NYPD noted a decline in police complaints for domestic violence since the COVID-19 pandemic started. Safe Horizon, which runs New…
domestic violence attorney

May 15 2020

Domestic violence reports increase amid coronavirus shutdowns

New York has seen a rise in domestic violence amid the strict stay-at-home measures enforced in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The state noted that there were 30 percent more domestic violence reports in April compared to the same month last year. People have been forced to spend more time at home with family members…