High-Speed Crash Kills One
On this episode of Justice, One Client at a Time, we look at a criminal indictment of a New York firefighter after crashing into another vehicle while allegedly under the influence.
Defaced New York Gun Results in Multiple Weapon Charges
On this episode of Justice, One Client at a Time, we look at a recent case where an individual was found guilty of multiple weapon charges, including possession of an illegal weapon.
Identity Theft Results in Jail Sentence
On this episode of Justice, One Client at a Time, we look at how prosecutors are cracking down on individuals who exploit government programs, such as Social Security or Medicaid, in order to commit identity theft or fraud.
Have You Been Charged with Embezzlement in New York? Here’s What You Do
On this episode of Justice, One Client at a Time, we look at what you can do to avoid an embezzlement conviction, including defense strategies your embezzlement defense attorney can take.