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“Hurt Locker” actor charged with DUI

Driving under the influence is a serious offense and can carry some serious consequences. Whether you’re famous or not, the charges can seriously impact your life in less than positive ways. Recently a well-known actor was pulled over in New York and charged with DUI. This shows that everyone, no matter who they might be…

Man pleads guilty to DUI, weapons charge dropped

People in Suffolk and everywhere else in the world are human, and as such, make mistakes. Driving while under the influence is one such mistake people make on a seemingly daily basis. The ordeal of being pulled over, sobriety tested and possibly charged with DUI is a big enough issue; but when being arrested for…

New York crossing guard arrested for DWI

Having one too many and getting behind the wheel of a car is an unfortunate act that can have serious consequences. No one gets behind the wheel of a car with the intent of acting recklessly or dangerously, but sometimes mistakes can happen. Anyone who is facing the consequences of being a arrested for DWI…

Man arrested for DUI after driving on wrong side of road

We are all aware of the dangers of drinking and driving. However, people make mistakes and sometimes, they get behind the wheel and drive when they really shouldn’t. When this happens, getting the advice from a knowledgeable legal professional can help create a solid defense against any charges that might occur. Our Suffolk readers know…