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Risk of receiving DWI increases as 4th of July approaches

Next week marks the start of July and you know what that means: Fourth of July is just around the corner. But you know what else could be just around the corner? A law enforcement officer on the lookout for people driving under the influence. As so many of our Suffolk County readers know, holidays…

Don’t shrug off drunk driving just because celebrities do it

If your neighbor went on Facebook and posted a photo that was a side-by-side comparison of himself and his wife getting a mugshot for a DUI, and he was making light of the situation, would you consider that acceptable? What if your son or daughter was having a candid conversation with their friends about their…

‘I know myself’ is not an excuse for drunk driving

You’ve probably been involved with a situation where someone appeared to be unfit to drive, but that person kept insisting that he or she was ready and able to drive. “I know my body,” the person says, “and I’m totally fine to drive.” This happens all the time, and for the most part, people get…

Suffolk County sees smaller decrease in DWI arrests than Nassau

While it is certainly not a competition, Suffolk County has seen a smaller decrease in the number of driving while intoxicated arrests than Nassau County. Though there have been 410 fewer arrests between 2011 and 2013 in Suffolk County, there were approximately 1,000 fewer arrests in Nassau County over the same period. Perhaps that is…