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Trust us when charged with vehicular homicide

Criminal charges resulting from driving-related actions are often completely unplanned and unintentional. Many people do not realize how much a single drink may affect their blood alcohol level. However, if an accident occurs and your blood alcohol is above the legal limit, even slightly, everyone will generally assume that your driving while under the influence…

Woman charged with child endangerment after DWI stop

Most New Yorkers never plan to drive while under the influence. Instead, they simply get in their cars to drive somewhere after having a drink or two, often without realizing that their blood alcohol content levels are above the legal limit. Once someone is arrested for DWI, however, the police do not care whether or…

Two New York drivers face vehicular homicide charges DWI crash

As previous postings in this blog have discussed, the decision to drive after consuming too much alcohol can have treacherous consequences. It could result in drunk driving charges for the driver or worse could result in a car accident. If an allegedly intoxicated driver is involved in a car accident, they could face even more…

Elements that must be proven in a DWI offense

The laws regarding driving while intoxicated vary from state to state. However, there are some commonalities in these crimes across all states. One of these is the aggressive nature the prosecution will approach these cases and the fact that the outcome for the defendant, if convicted, could have a long-lasting negative impact on their life.…