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Man pleads guilty to 58 counts related to fatal accident

When a 23-year-old man crashed into a carload of teenagers in Saratoga County, New York, it was the fifth car accident he had caused in five years. The results of the crash were tragic – two students at Shenendehowa High School were killed and two others suffered severe injuries. The two surviving teens, a 17-year-old…

Man gets 5 to 15 years after crash kills 2

When a person is facing a serious charge, the first reaction is to want to defend against the charges as vigorously as possible. Some defendants decide on a different approach, though. Bridgehampton readers might recall an accident back in 2012 that resulted in the deaths of two teens. The driver of the car that hit…

Woman charged in connection with underage drinking

The legal drinking age in Bridgehampton as well as the rest of the nation is 21. Anyone who drinks that is under that legal age can be charged with underage drinking. However, as a local woman discovered, any adults who contribute to the children consuming alcohol can be charged with a crime as well. New…

“Hurt Locker” actor charged with DUI

Driving under the influence is a serious offense and can carry some serious consequences. Whether you’re famous or not, the charges can seriously impact your life in less than positive ways. Recently a well-known actor was pulled over in New York and charged with DUI. This shows that everyone, no matter who they might be…